Life doesn't stop teaching, so I won't stop learning.

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About me and how I lead myself...

"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." - Mike Tyson
"This is your world. Shape it or someone else will." - Gary Lew

If you continue to do the same, you will continue to get the same results.

Husband and father first, passionate for life-long learning, driven to stay active, thrive on challenge, and focused on raising the bar through reflection and a continuous improvement mindset.

I believe that success at anything, for anyone, comes down to CHOICE and DISCIPLINE.  Ultimately, being happy with your decisions and having the grit to stick with those decisions no matter what obstacles come your way. That said, always reflect and be ready to pivot when life throws you a curveball or when the seasons of life change.

The only person I measure myself against is yesterday's version of me. Everyone is different, at a different place in their journey, has different resources, knows different people, comes from a different background, has different skills, and is completely not me. Why would I EVER compare myself to someone else. Be better than yesterday and raise the bar. Period.

"Go see, ask why, show respect." - Fujio Cho

Circle of influence and circle of concern. Know it and embrace it. I don't waste my time giving energy to things I can not control (aka circle of concern), like the economy, the person who cut me off in traffic, politicians, competitors (I don't even like saying the word competitor), weather, and so on. Instead, I focus and give all my energy to the things I can control, like my health, family/friend relationships, personal finances, work ethic, my leadership, and so on. As I focus on my circle of influence, it expands and more things enter my circle.

Have a philosophy for life, business, or anything you're pursuing. A good philosophy is your compass, true north, and set of the sail, allowing you to adjust to the changing winds and weather. Business, sports, and life all have seasons. Know that when you're in winter, spring will come. I know, I've been there. When you're in summer, prepare for winter - it will come.

Too often I notice people in a state of negativity, pessimism, lamenting, complaining, defensive, or generally antagonistic. Why? All of these things are completely unproductive. Sure, you may get what you want in the moment, but your reputation will grow and it will precede you. BE positive, assume positive intent, and find ways/reasons for things to work. 

Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Never stop learning. If you think you've learned enough or there's nothing more to learn; you're wrong. Life NEVER stops teaching, so there's no excuse to stop learning. Leaders are learners.

You don't need to hunt for new knowledge. Old knowledge will serve you very well. Fact: most new knowledge is regurgitated old knowledge. Read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, How to Win Friends and Influence People, The Alchemist, Laws of Success, and Mans Search for Meaning, then read them again.

People come to work to do a good job; treat them as such. No one intends to make a mistake. There is only a very small subset of society that intents to do harm and make mistakes - hopefully your interview process is strong and weeds these people out right away.

Too many people are looking for the shortcut. Not me. The intrinsic best parts of life come from the journey found only in the long game. Love, impact, legacy, relationships, and influence all come from the long game. 

I think that's it... Well, for now. I'm still compounding.